Wednesday, August 31


In the library today I got so frustrated overhearing an obese guy who was sitting diagonally from me at the first floor computers. From now on I am getting the giant library rental headphones instead of my dinky ones.
He was reading his syllabus aloud and insisting, to this hot babe who was ignoring him, that teachers should know how to spell. Every time he read one of the misspelled words, it was really just an advanced vocabulary word I GUESS. He complained, "How you gonna say this book's content could be pervasive? That's not even close. Teachers gotta know how to spell persuasive." I hope he drops out of college before the extended add/drop date so at least his parents don't have to pay for him to criticize people with doctorates. And also so VCU doesn't get his money and employ more 23 year olds with master's degrees in order to avoid giving senior professors tenure and such.

Goodbye August

The last two posts have been pretty embarrassing. Especially once I realized that someone already thought of Come on Irene and made a whole video about it before I could write that stupid chorus remix. I also feel like this blog sucks since my phone memory is full of pictures.
Last night I dreamt that: there was a huge spider on this curly haired guy's head and he was going to fight my friend but then we talked him out of it, and very kindly told him about the spider as he left. But then he flung his head toward me and the spider zoomed in my general direction!!! Luckily though I had my down duvet filler that I use as a comforter. Yanking it up I was able to use it like a shield, crisis averted. Anyway though I also dreamt that my dad was navigating an airplane around a baseball stadium, that I tried out for VCU cheerleading and the coach informed me that she'd already surmised my inability to do a backhandspring from the appearance of my arms, and that someone I was cuddling with tittietwisted me. Very mixed night.

I am now listening to Milk & Apples on repeat.
Wanted: boys with dogs. Preferably at least vegetarian.

Monday, August 29

Lil Mex is ruined, summer is over.
I am spending Wednesday at the pool all day to maybe revive it

Saturday, August 27

If this was TV, here's my show tune:

Come on Irene,
I swear you so mean in this moment you mean.
Wind you on dat mess. Parking spots I can't trust, world so dirty.
Come ooooon, Irene.

Friday, August 26

Weeping willow

When I read outside on public I sorta wish I smoked. It looks ritualistic relaxing. That is a big deal admission from me.

I'm listening to built to spill and the get-up kids, taking a geography class finally like I've always dreamed and constantly adding things to my list, in a good way.

Today I am floaty

Thursday, August 25


I'm so into the Frank family (Anne, Lisa and Paul)

I love natural disasters, paydays and fall. And Libras

I wish everyone would go home

My first address that I still remember is 908 Dogwood Drive. Aww

Thursday, August 18

Bribe youth with temporary scratch and sniff tattoos

I've never had to knock on wood
And I'm glad I haven't yet
Squirrely fries at future night fireworks. Where is the Indian? I was singing my country tis of thee and
my schoolteacher aunt quips that she holds a gun to her fourth graders' heads if they attempt to stay silent during the pledge.
Land of the braaaaave.
Who knows

Monday, August 15

check out my awesome babyfriend!

consistent obsess

mint juleps
the mystery that is language acquisition
ginger snap Larabar

Sunday, August 14

Saturday, August 13

90s girls, the hottest and smartest

Sweet Rosalyn
Sometimes you gotta give in
Sometimes you gotta be loved

Well, maybe we all could use a little grace
To know when to run and when to
Stay in one place

Raoul Vaneigem

direct, unmediated communication between "qualititive subjects" is the 'end' to which human history tends

Thursday, August 11

RIP my favorite band! Now listening!
There'll be a reunion show as soon as there's popular demand!

Monday, August 8

Also I royally failed at buying Lemonheads consistently this summer but I did listen to them. Shoulda done both. I also didn't go to da pool a lot :( For a former forty-five hours per week lifeguard, this feels extremely unnatural. I turned practically Pagan during my three years as an employee at Continental Pools. I ate sun all summer, and drank it, for one-seventh of my life.
Making new friends and keeping the old, though, was a total success. Girl scout years taught me so much.
But hey where my vegan girl scout cookies at?!

Blogging while trespassing

Hope I never try to get a big brother job that creeps on this post. But hey y'all I'm just chillin behind the lib in a sad skeleton of a historic house. Waiting for my friends, thinking screw VCU and hoping that I will somehow summon the courage to walk up the stairs of this destabilized and dead structure. Just heard sirens and squatted. This is dumb. I hate the internet.