Tuesday, March 31

Monday, March 30


I am strongly considering taking a different au pair job over the summer so that I'll be able to come back to school this fall, though. Meaning that when Jenny is here on July 3rd, I won't be. UGH RK has been touring in Europe and when I finally get to go there, Jenny comes back here to tour. H8
hope tix don't go on sale till I know what I'm doing


& saw so many cool movies this weekend! My French seems pretty decent, too.
I want to buy baby clothes all my life.

Saturday, March 28


paying to walk down Monument. h8 you & you're fat.

Thursday, March 26

bothering me so much.....

How do I underline Le Petit Prince? I need the HTML code. Book titles are supposed to be underlined.
I got a job starting Tuesday, and another possible one for Fall!!!!
....except I want to au pair then! It's an awesome backup though.
If I had a dog, he would be this happy for me right now:

I'm going to some wine and cheese thing at a private art gallery at 7. It's sort of for the French Film Festival. I am so refined. The people there will surely be "les grandes personnes"- ew. If you haven't read Le Petit Prince, do- in English if you don't speak French! It's still so good, not to mention the mystery surrounding Antoine de Saint-Exupery.
The story of his death will blow your mind!

Wednesday, March 25

help me

Lack of commas, fragments, and especially improper homophone usage surround me, seemingly teasing me. I feel terrorized. I need to be less attentive, or people need to learn the rules. I am annoying, condescending, and passionate about the least consequential issue that I could have chosen. Help.

Tuesday, March 24

also I have a bum knee. elderly status.
I have been in the library all my life.

don't you know

there is no modern romance

Monday, March 23

"red letter day"

A and $671

bringin it back

one summer i listened to this all the way through everyday while i did 1,000 sit-ups. lol/wtf.
just put it on my ipod with all the tracks in the right order. about to be the best workout!!!

Wednesday, March 18

Monday, March 16

Is it just me, or should you never use cursive to write notes that
you intend to be threatening.....this one just seems so wimpy:

also, I'm obsessed with these creepy talon cuffs:

Sunday, March 15


I have really stopped trying to make everything in my life connect to how I'm eventually going to the moon. it seemed like a nice theme before but now seems pretty silly.
anyways, I really want to lift weights which is really uncharacteristic. I have always relished that being super muscular isn't considered attractive for girls, and have loved consistent power pop punk elliptical workouts. blah blah this is boring who cares. I just found out that the Siegel Center gym is open until midnight! I am going to be sooo sore.

I talked to the mom of the family in Grenoble, France today, and her job is writing the French subtitles for some English programs and movies. This seems like a cool job. She's sweet and her family sounds adorable and where they live is gorgeous. I'm so excited about it!!! September til December. I'd be there for my birthday, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and maybe even Christmas and New Year's! strange...at least the French Père Noel isn't skinny or any of that bullshit. He fills shoes instead of stockings but that is kinda cool.
Also, college in France is public and free, as long as it's not business school. pretty awesome and as far as I can find on the internet, you only need a visa, not citizenship, to attend. there has to be a catch... I feel like this is a scam....hehe

i am obsessed with having a bed like this somewhat soon:

Friday, March 13

double dipping on use of this poster design

this was my favorite one, though.
regardless of the weird recycling, i am stoked.

Thursday, March 12

Speedy Gonzales

1) mom called me the prodigal son
2) blonder, stronger
3) hopefully have an au pair job in Grenoble, France, starting in September
4) wish I was still in a "Chill Spot"
5) I only ride light blue bikes with baskets
6) obsessed with 1979 on a loop. sometimes finding time for CocoRosie
7) I read 2.3 books from Sunday-Thursday.




Wednesday, March 4

lyfe so far this week

snow day!, shafer had vegan chicken salad today, haircut, in college a 90 is an A, paul frank rainboots, weed brownies, shoulder to the wheel, always in the mood to workout, and spring break in 2 days.