Saturday, April 30

Hi franz

Oh hey. Long time no see. After two weeks of hell I will be free and eligible to become an officially recognized adult. AKA I'll be able to apply to graduate. I might just do it. My time in college has felt really short, but there are so many books to read, recipes to try, and crafts to make. I really can't put them off any longer. I aim to do lots of higher educational things but mostly I just want a year to not think about grades and assignments. Mostly I just want a year to think.

In other news here is my little life of the past, oh, seven months.
Baby friends, my bike I'm working on/Lay-c chillin with it, my birthday, my bff, New Orleans, my grandma at Christmas...
And also I've been mentoring at Carver Elementary, which has been a big influence on me and part of my life; however I have no picture of my girl. All I have is a picture of some artwork that was hanging in the hall there. I kinda love it.
I sometimes wish I still had no idea what was in any of my food. KFC was so dank.