I want to hitch hike soon, I need to get to L.A. on August 15th to see Jenny Lewis and then to San Francisco to move in Nicole at Berkeley. Anyone want to come along? A dude? A girl and a dude? I'm trying to go with back-up bus ticket money galore, because I'm not edgy or faithful enough to stay relaxed while stranded in a Nevada desert or some shit. Stuck and broke is not adventurous; it's miserable. So is a trip that takes too long. But a possibly free trip with me and bubbles and endless ABC I spy sign games!? Let's do it.
I can't wait til "Greg Le Brun" arrives so I can bombard him with questions. Surely he's stuck in some killer commuter traffic. But I am curious as to how long finding a ride took him, and whether he lucked out with amiable company, and how frequently he has travelled this way in the past. I also wonder how proficient his English is. He has messaged me in both French and English, but writing a language is a different world from speaking it. Hitching with someone who forced you to chitchat in broken English for a 4 hour standstill ride would be absolutely torturous, especially because of the obligatory gratefulness that you would and should feel towards the driver.
I forgot to say- he's staying with me/ contacted me through couchsurfing.org. I feel like all my followers have heard of it, or would have seen it in this month's Ink! Ink is my university's literary magazine:
Meredith Rigsby wrote the article, which begins on page 21! I am quoted with something slightly negative to say, boo. Anyway, it doesn't taint the overall piece, and I still kept hosting and surfing after that Rome experience! Meredith did a pretty fine job on the story, I'll say.

Previous guests of mine from Bosnia, Germany, and Japan, respectively! :)
Here I am, just trying to not be unreliable for my own couchsurfer. But I, unlike the Vatican City tour guide, do not even have a phone to not answer! Hopefully he throws a rock up here soon....
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