On the prowl, wishing I could be into girls, meanwhile feeling blah and hating all yall, life seems so banal nowadays. But, it can only get that way if I'm being boring- that's always been my mantra and I'll stick by it.
Maybe I will start dressing like a freak? Or I'll just write down lots of things. Or collect mini things. I could start talking to myself and making up names for all the people I pass, or at least stories. Oh wait, I just remembered that I already do talk to myself, but only to narrate, in French, and with ceaseless repetition. I am already scary, probably. I want to get inspired while not driving possible suitors away. Something with sex appeal? Reading? Uhh....
I need something all-consuming. Who are some quirky, indulgent, stream-of-thought writers, anyone? Preferably someone with a cult following? Or maybe I ought to scratch that and start scrap-booking. Knitting? No sex appeal, but let's face it, more true to character. Grandma things...hmm...I been baking, y'all. But that's not sufficiently weird, nor is it a good topic of conversation. Dollhouse making? Always wanted to do it.....ahhh yes. Why do I have trouble meeting people who I like? Oh, that's right, because all my hobbies are not cool to talk about. And because I haven't been pursuing them fully, so I'm not really even cool enough for the weird folks. Yet.
We'll see about this. I have to accept that I am contemptuous of all the social situations that I have previously pictured myself being comfortable in and instead pursue craziness and the crazies. On the prowl for freaks? 2010, I'm about to get strange, and I can't really wait.
hell ya
ReplyDeletethat's all i have to say
I think I love you.