this man had impossible feet
Recently my grandfather (favorite family member) told my mother that although he loves my sister and me dearly, we are horrid when together.
I think this may be true.
This weekend in Philly Nicole and I got to hang out more than we have since I got back home and started school, and we were thinking on precisely the same goofy wavelength. I kind of feel bad for my mom when she's totally out of the loop on the jokes. I mean it's not as if we exclude others or go off exploring on our own, but Nicole and I have these specific categories of funny that are standout identifiable to us, but go unnoticed to others. Often we seem to be cackling lunatics.
How do you not lose it when you see these:
1) thinking so too much- as in when you repeat something one too many times, or are excessively enthused about a minor favorite
2) when people blarg themselves around- gold toe socks hanging off toes a few inches or fat flopping about mid-waddle
3) how awkward adults are, especially in elevators or when you act wild around their kiddies
4) how funny nosepicking is to witness and point out. and do.
5) letting your body go limp and swinging your arms across your body as you walk, how awkward adults are when you do
6) changing the first letter of every word in your sentence, addressing nametag people by their name VERY insistently
etc etc I guess. I just wish I did these things all the time and didn't need the social support from my sis.
I feel bad for you if you are an only child.