Optimal weather. I love Richmond in the Spring. Spent the whole day riding my bike and sitting outside. Then Mom picked me up, and we went to Carytown so that we could eat dinner outside. We ended up at Mezzanine and got a parking spot right in front! I was sort of surprised to hear that Mezzanine was named Style Weekly's best restaurant of 2009, but probaby just because it's relatively new and because I had not heard a lot about it. Outside the setup was so cute- pillows, candles, ya know. My aunt Jill/mom's sis just happened to be there with some friends, sitting outside. One of Jill's friends was pregz, and I just love to see that; she had that glow going. Awww.....
Anyway, talked to mom about Strawberry Hill this weekend, what she should wear, and my Switzerland prospects. I ordered the curry quinoa with mushrooms and gingered bok choy and it was soooooooo good. Mom loved her meal, too, and this girl's cowboy boots. Girl sat down next to us and Mom asked if she could borrow the boots. Then we talked to the girl and her husband about Facebook and Twitter and she told my mom to go to DSW- she'd purchased the boots this week, on sale! We left straight from Mezzanine to the Broad Street DSW.
Even though it seems kind of spoiled that Mom can have everything she wants so readily, it makes me proud that my mom has worked hard enough to support and even pamper herself. She's so independent and capable. It was also sweet that she unexpectedly agreed to buy some shoes for me!!! They are Steve Madden black flats, sort of slingbacks, exactly the type I have been wanting.
Nice weather, a great meal, new shoes......could happen to anyone.
BUT: when we arrived at home, our regular mail awaited us. A bill or two, circulars, stuff from Virginia Blood Service, Virginia Press Women, etc. AND a letter from Riverside Regional Jail, Shondrell ***** #4---- to Charles *******, 2 W. Grace St. I'm not sure why it came to us, but I had to open it. I mean, we are still going to send it on, but intense and, in my opinion, natural curiosity overrode my conscience and morally motivated hesitance. Had to know.
Basically Shondrell didn't know what the hell happened to Chuck, and she misses and loves him. She is getting herself together- "NO MORE CRACK. THATS WHAT I KEEP TELLING MYSELF. THATS WHY I DIDNT BOND OUT, OR SHOULD I SAY MY MAMA DIDNT BOND ME OUT" (she wrote the whole thing in all caps and with pretty excellent spelling, though never any apostrophes with her contractions....can't be picky, I guess.) There were more personal parts of the letter, too; however, while I felt okay satisfying my personal curiosity, I now feel sorta bad about writing about it in a public medium.
Also, I got my state tax check today.

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